When parents decide to separate or divorce, both parents are financially responsible for a child through child support payments. These child support payments are based on many factors, including the child’s expenses and primary parent’s income. What to Do If You Can’t Pay Child Support Once child support payments are set in place, it is essential to keep current on …
Five Penalties Parents Can Face When Failing to Pay for Child Support
Child support payments are often the most contentious part of many cases of divorce. When one partner cannot pay the ordered support, they may face stiff penalties. How Child Support Works Both parents are financially responsible for a child. And support ensures a balance between the two parties when they are separated or divorced. Typically, the partner who retains full …
How to Help Protect Your Child from Exposure to Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Awareness No one- absolutely no one– deserves to be the victim of domestic violence. This is especially true when it comes to children. Domestic violence is not merely one person hitting another. It is the intentional actions of one person to maintain power and control over another. Also, it is not always physical, although emotional abuse often leads …
Helping Children Adjust to Having 2 Homes After Divorce
Divorce and Children Change is difficult for most adults, so imagine how much harder it is for children who are not yet fully developed. Change is especially hard for little ones who are so dependent on routine. But with proper support, children can adjust to the changes that come with divorce, including living in two homes. Divorce with children usually …
5 Tips for Co-Parenting After Divorce
Divorce, Children & Parenting So you’re filing for divorce. On top of all the stress and pain that can come with this difficult choice, divorcing couples who are also parents have an even larger task to face: how to take on a new role as a co-parent. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be as daunting as it …
How Is a Divorce Settlement Calculated?
Filing for divorce can be emotionally, financially, legally, and sometimes even physically exhausting. It may sound like a good idea to just agree on terms with your ex to avoid “getting all the lawyers involved,” but the fact of the matter is that sound, ethical, legal help is necessary in matters of divorce. Unforeseen issues can pop up years down …
The Six Stages of Divorce
Sometimes an impending divorce is obvious. Other times, it comes as a shock–at least, to one of the parties. But even when both parties agree that the marriage is definitely over, ending a marriage is a painful process. You may have to move; you have to divide your furniture and other belongings; if you have children, there will be custody …
Transitioning Into Being a Single Parent After Divorce
No one gets married thinking that someday the marriage will end in divorce. No one plans their wedding thinking that the next step will be divorce court. But it happens. And no one in a marriage has children hoping that someday, those children will become children of divorce. But that happens, too. And when it does, that transition from a …
The 4 Different Types of Child Custody
Making the decision to divorce is never easy, and going through the divorce is just as hard. Divorcing couples must decide how to divide their assets, their debts, move homes, and so much more. For couples with children, divorcing also brings up the difficult decision of how to co-parent the children, including issues concerning child custody and child support. If …
5 Tips: Avoiding an Ugly Custody Battle
Divorce is painful. Even the most amicable divorces involve ending a marriage, dividing property, and beginning a new, single life. When children are involved, divorce is much harder. However, parents have to consider the needs of their children and not just themselves. Sometimes the parents are able to come to a child custody agreement on their own. But if they …